At My Preschool, we believe, learning is a social business where relationships are paramount! Relationships with kaiako, each other, the environment and nature.

When children are loved, nurtured, and empowered they will thrive. A sense of belonging/mana whenua is central to children’s wellbeing, hence “My Preschool.” We believe that like “My Home, My Mum, My Koru, My brother, My Dad, My Grannie...” at My Preschool children are at their best when they have ownership, feel safe, valued and respected. We understand for children to be empowered, to grow, to thrive, first comes belonging/ mana whenua. At My Preschool we partner with parents and Whãnau to nurture children. We support their growth, development and learning through love, joy, play, nature, the outdoors and inquiry.
We also believe children can achieve so much more if we understand how to harness their innate inquiring nature and support them to try new and challenging experiences. At My Preschool, in partnership with parents and whānau, we empower our tamariki to thrive enabling a positive transition to primary school with high levels of interest, passion, numeracy, literacy and joy in the arts.

Ongoing research into best practice, child development, inclusive cultures and leveraging the giants of educational theory including Reggio Emilia, Loris Malaguzzi, Maria Montessori and honouring and implementing Te Whāriki gives children at My Preschool the head start they need to thrive and excel in this ever changing world we live in
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